We now have an evening clinic open!
“Our mission is to provide our patients an individualized, comprehensive, affordable Opiate Treatment Program which gives them the opportunity to live a normal drug free life.”

A MUST SEE VIDEO: Leon's Story
Treatment. Love. Care.
Are You Addicted?
• Do you take more medication than prescribed?
• Do you obtain narcotics off the street?
• Have you tried to stop using drugs and couldn't?
• If you answered yes to these questions, you may need professional assistance.
Get Some TLC with PCN InterventionAddiction does not discriminate, people from all walks of life become addicted to prescription pain pills. Over the years there has been two type of people who get addicted to pain pills. The first is a person who started taking pain pills for a legitimate pain problem and then it turns into an addiction.
The other person who gets addicted to pain pills are those who start taking them to get high. Regardless of why a person started taking them once they are addicted they need to seek help. PCN is here to help, Free Assessments are available Monday-Friday.
How Can I Get Someone to Stop Using?There are a variety of reasons people enter treatment, but the most important thing to remember is that the addict must want treatment in order to stop using. God is the only thing that can bring a person to that stopping point. If a person enters treatment and starts applying the principles they learn, they can obtain recovery with a lot of hard work, perseverance and commitment.